Certificate in Economic Theory: The certificate in Economic Theory is appropriate for students with a strong mathematical preparation who wish to deepen their understanding of economic theory. This track is particularly recommended for students who would like to be better prepared for graduate study in economics. Besides the normal core requirements, students take Calculus II (01:640:152), Linear Algebra (01:640:250), and the sequence of Mathematical Theory of Probability (01:640:477) and Mathematical Theory of Statistics (01:640:481), or the sequence of Theory of Probability (01:960:381) and Theory of Statistics (01:960:382). The 477/481 Math sequence or the 381/382 Statistics sequence can substitute for 01:960:285 in the major core. For the seven electives for the major, students must take at least four courses, including one core course. With instructor approval, appropriate courses in the Economics PhD Program may be used as electives as well. Students who aspire to enroll in a Ph.D. program in economics are encouraged, though not required for the certificate, to take additional mathematics courses, including Multivariable Calculus (01:640:251), Elementary Differential Equations (01:640:252) and Real Analysis (01:640:300 and 01:640:311). There are specific grade requirements, including a minimum overall g.p.a. of 3.0 to receive the certificate, and a minimum B grade for all courses taken to satisfy the certificate requirements.

Core: one course from the following

01:220:481 Economics of Uncertainty
01:220:482 Game Theory and Economics

Electives: three courses from the following, with the option of including an additional course from the core list above.

01:220:441 Industrial Organization
01:220:480 Behavioral and Experimental Economics
01:220:483 Markets, Games, and Information
01:220:485 Advanced Microeconomic Theory

Faculty Advisor for the Certificate in Economic Theory: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Dr. Campbell is an Associate Professor of Economics at Rutgers with a Ph.D. in Economics from Northwestern University. He teaches microeconomics at the introductory, intermediate and graduate levels, game theory at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and industrial organization at the graduate level.