
Fall 2017 - Todd Keister and Zhifeng Cai
Spring 2018 - Roberto Chang and Diego Anzoategui

  • Seminars will be held in New Jersey Hall Room 105 on Tuesdays from 2:50 - 4:20 pm. (*Note new time)
  • Papers can be downloaded from the Department's website when available in advance.
  • Schedule of Dates and Speakers may change.

    See all Macroeconomic Theory Workshops in the calendar

Spring 2018

February 13
Eugene White, Rutgers University
 "Censored Success: How to Prevent a Banking Panic, the Barings Crisis of 1890 Revisited"

February 27
Shengxing Zhang, London School of Economics
"Intangibles, Inequality and Stagnation"

March 20
Guillermo Calvo, Columbia University
"Liquidity Deflation"

April 3
Roc Armenter, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
"A Model of the Federal Funds Market: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow"

April 12 (Note change in day, time, and room: Thursday, 2:00 - 4:00pm, NJ Hall 3rd Floor Library)
Enrique Mendoza, University of Pennsylvania

Fall 2017

September 12
Ezra Oberfeld, Princeton University
"The Producetivity Slowdown and the Declining Labor Share: A Neoclassical Exploraton"
(joint with Gene Grossman, Elhanan Helpman, and Thomas Sampson).

October 3
Roberto Chang, Rutgers University
"Foreign Exchange Intervention Redux"

October 17
Michael Bordo, Rutgers University
"Central Bank Digital Currency And The Future Of Monetary Policy"  joint with Andrew T. Levin

October 23 -- Monday 2:30 pm. Joint with Money, History and Finance.
Warren Weber, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta -- Monday 2:30 pm. Joint with Money, History and Finance

October 31
Alessandro Dovis, University of Pennsylvania
 "Fiscal Rules, Bailouts, and Reputation in Federal Governments" (joint with Rishabh Kirpalani)

November 14
Freddy Rojas, Rutgers University (Graduate Student)
“The Impact of Collateralization on Swaps Rates Under Clearing”

November 28
Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel, Cornell University
 "Cascades and Fluctuations in an Economy with an Endogenous Production Network"

December 5
Luigi Bocola, Northwestern University
 "Financial Crises and Lending of Last Resort in Open Economies"


Spring 2018 - TBA