Barry Sopher is Professor of Economics at Rutgers University. His research is concerned with experimental analysis of individual and group decision making, including decision making under uncertainty, intertemporal choice, bargaining, and learning in games. His most recent research is concerned with the impact of advice in intergenerational games, with particular focus on the evolution of conventions and on efficiency in coordination games. Sopher is the director of the Wachtler Experimental Economics Laboratory at Rutgers University. He is also a Research Affiliate of the Center for Experimental Social Science at New York University and a Research Fellow of IZA, the German Institute for the Study of Labor.
Selected Publications
- "Talking Ourselves to Efficiency: Coordination in Intergenerational Minimum Effort Games with Private, Almost Common, and Common “Knowledge of Advice,” (with Ananish Chaudhuri and Andrew Schotter), Economic Journal, 2009, 119 (534) 91-122.
- "Individual Sense of Justice: An Experimental Analysis," (with Edi Karni and Tim Salmon), Experimental Economics, 11(2), 174-189, June 2008.
- “A Deeper Look at Hyperbolic Discounting,” (with Arnav Sheth), Theory and Decision, 60(2-3), 219-255, May 2006. Reprinted in Abdellaoui, Luce, Machina and Munier, eds., Uncertainty and Risk: Mental, Formal, Experimental Representations, 125-153, 2007, Theory and Decision Library C, Springer.
- “Social Learning and Coordination Conventions in Intergenerational Games: An Experimental Study,” (with Andrew Schotter), Journal of Political Economy, 111(3), 498-529, June 2003.