Upper Level Electives
Upper Level Electives
(Note that as of Fall 2016 all upper level electives have 400-level numbers. Credit will still be given for upper level electives taken prior to Fall 2016 that had a 300-level number. Several upper level electives that were previously 400-level have also been given new, also 400-level, numbers. In either case, credit will only be given for either the course with the pre-Fall 2016 number or the course with the new number. Specifics are noted for each course individually whose number has changed. A full concordance of all courses whose numbers have changed, with the old and new number, is available here .)
01:220:477 Economics of Population (3)
- Credits: 3
- Course Type: Upper Level Elective for Major,
- Certificate: Certificate in Global Economics
- Syllabi: 01220477_SampleSyllabus.pdf
Theoretical and empirical study of the interrelations between population change and economic change in developed as well as less-developed countries. Prerequisites: 01:220:320, 321, and 322. (Credit not given for both this course and 01:220:377)
01:220:463 Economics of Taxation (3)
- Credits: 3
- Course Type: Upper Level Elective for Major,
- Certificate: Certificate in Public Policy Economics, Minor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Structure of U.S. tax system. Effects on the allocation of resources and economic growth; distribution of the burden of taxation across income groups. Prerequisites: 01:220:320 and 322. (Credit not given for both this course and 01:220:363)
01:220:460 Public Economics (3)
- Credits: 3
- Course Type: Upper Level Elective for Major,
- Certificate: Certificate in Public Policy Economics, Minor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- Syllabi: 01220460_SampleSyllabus.pdf
Rationale for the public sector; public expenditure theory; economics of political process; expenditure structure and growth; incidence and incentives of specific taxes; fiscal incidence; stabilization. Prerequisites: 01:220:320 and 322. (Credit not given for both this course and 01:220:360)
01:220:441 Industrial Organization (3)
- Credits: 3
- Course Type: Upper Level Elective for Major,
- Certificate: Certificate in Economic Theory
- Syllabi: 01220441_SampleSyllabus.pdf
Theories of firm and market behavior. Evidence on relationships between structure, conduct, and performance. Includes pricing, profitability, innovation, and advertising. Prerequisites: 01:220:320 and 322. (Credit not given for both this course and 01:220:341)
01:220:439 Economic Development (3)
- Credits: 3
- Course Type: Upper Level Elective for Major,
- Certificate: Certificate in Global Economics
- Syllabi: 01220439_SampleSyllabus.pdf
Theories and experience of qualitative and quantitative changes involved in the process of raising living standards in less-developed countries. Prerequisites: 01:220:320, 321, and 322. (Credit not given for both this course and 01:220:339)