Dana ErbfarbHigh School/Hometown:
The Frisch School / Teaneck, NJ

Year of RU Graduation: 2009

Current Position: Health & Welfare Associate, Towers Perrin

What are they doing?

Health & Welfare Associate, Towers Perrin. Towers Perrin offers innovative health care solutions and expertise in designing, funding, pricing, implementing and managing the full array of health and welfare programs.

Professor each economics student should take?

Professor Colin Campbell - Game Theory and Economics. Professor Campbell is a great teacher; he delivers the information in a clear yet challenging way and is very helpful if you have any questions.  This class also improved my quantitative abilities as it dealt with the application of mathematical formulas to complex economics concepts.

Best thing about being an Economics Major at Rutgers?

Economics is the liberal arts 'business' major at Rutgers. I did not have to work within the confines of the Business School and therefore had a much more independent academic experience, yet was still able to get hired (both during college and after) in the business sector.

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